Welcome to Fairburn Scout Group. We are based in Marybank in Ross-Shire and we currently have sections for Beaver Scouts for children from 6 to 8 years of age and Cub Scouts for children from 8 to 10 1/2 years of age.
We now have a confirmed Assistant Scout Leader and are working on finding a Scout Leader so hopefully it won't be too long before the next section of Scouts is open to children aged 10 to age 14 years.
Our Beavers and Cubs come from the Strathconon area and from many local villages including including Marybank, Strathpeffer, Strathgarve, Little Scatwell/Strathconon and Contin.
Being a Beaver or Cub at Fairburn is all about fun with a purpose – helping members to fulfil their potential as individuals and become active members of society.
Waiting List
We are really pleased that the publicity for the Scout Group and the very successful events that have been held recently mean that the Cub section is currently full! After the summer holidays we have more places available for Beavers so if your child/ren are interested, please contact us now to have your place kept. Contact numbers available on the 'Leaders' page above.
The Scout section of the group is being prepared at the moment and we shall open after the summer holidays…no matter what!
Reliable volunteers will be welcomed and training given along the way so even if you have not been involved in the Scouting movement, we have all the help you could need with our friendly and helpful leaders. Please do not feel you have to sit behind a lot of worksheets/paperwork and learn all about protocals and legalisations…you learn this along the way!
The most enjoyable way of volunteering is to become involved through helping at the weekly meetings! That way you are seeing for yourself the difference you are making by helping the children learn and exceed their own expectations aswell as 'on the job' training so to speak. It is much easier to ask or watch how things are done! It's a very rewarding job with a particularly friendly and enthusastic team.
Sometimes we hear 'I don't have any skills I can share'! I disagree, everyone has something that they can share with the children, even people who do not enjoy the outdoors can sometimes help with cooking skills, other sports, knots, community work, arts and crafts, badges, administration, PR, organising days out or fundraisers. This and many others all contribute to this group succeeding in being relevant…so please, help make a difference and contact us now!
Thank you to all dedication and enthusiasm from our reliable volunteers who have joined the group.

Forthcoming Events
COMMUNITY FEST!: Sunday 12th June 2011 - 11am - 4pm
June Fundraiser: Sunday 12th June 2011 - All day
Check the Noticeboard
The following recent notices are on our noticeboard page:
'The campfires burning at the Quarter Masters Store' CD shall be available when Bob returns from holiday within the next 2-3 weeks! We have seen and listened to it and we were very impressed. It is a wonderful keepsake for the children or gift for grandparents!
Copies are limited to 3 per family and the price shall be £4 for one or 3 for £10. The CD shall be available to view on Friday 28th Jan and orders shall be taken then.
As Bob Pegg is making/printing the Cd's himself with such a large quantity we thank you for your patience of this product! It's worth waiting on..well it made Jean and myself cry!!
Posted by Fairburn Scout Group on 25 Jan 2011 02:23
Marybank Celebrates Christmas
11am - 2pm
Saturday 4 December
Fairburn Hall, Marybank
Santa's Grotto
Surprise Tombola
Biscuit decorating for the children
Christmas face painting
Pocket money stall with Toys for under £1
Food and Refreshments
Singing from the Beavers/Cubs
Posted by Fairburn Scout Group on 09 Nov 2010 21:42